Evelina Michelle was born at 3:07am on 8/27/10. She measured 20 inches and weighed 7 lbs 4.5 oz.
We were at the birthing center for about 12 hours before she arrived. V gave birth to her naturally and her sister Allie & I coached her through it. We also had some help from the midwives who took vitals when necessary, checked V's progress regularly, and gave her instructions on how to push when the time finally came. The whole experience was mind-blowing and tiring for all of us, and the end result is the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen (I may be biased). One of the midwives pronounced her as perfect, and none of us could dispute her...I also thanked her for giving us a professional's word to back us up.
As you can probably tell from the above pictures, I'm totally in love with her and proud that I could be there throughout her birth. I'm also extremely proud of V for giving birth to her completely naturally the way she wanted to.
Expect more in the near future...I just wanted to post something while I had a chance.
P.S.--It's been brought to my attention that the comments haven't been working. So I changed the design again...hopefully now they'll work.