ANYWAY, for the past year or so I've been creating my own lists of various things. Most have been movie-related, such as my favorite horror movies, annual best-of lists, and movies I hate. I've also posted my share of music-related lists, and there's one that I'd like to share here with you.
Behold: "I was a preteen metalhead". This list details my personal musical evolution, from childhood through high school with a glimpse at what has followed since. I've given a lot of thought in recent years about why I like the music that I do, which albums and artists had the most significant impact on my listening tastes, and this list has given me a means to deconstruct that and present it to others. I really enjoyed this process as it's led to a clearer understanding of where I've been, and I like that I can finally lay to rest the ongoing conversation in my head about my musical taste.
So far, the response to it on Listal has been very positive, and I hope it will continue to gain attention. I have plans for more music-related lists in the future, and any time someone shows interest in those lists I can always refer them to this one to provide a deeper understanding if necessary. And since my lists can be accessed by non-Listal users as well, I can share it with the rest of my friends too, though of course you can't comment on them without being a member. (If you'd like to join the site, let me know & I'll send you an e-mail invite to get you started.) So feel free to bring your comments back here after you've looked at it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have household chores that demand my attention....