1. I'm working now. Found a part-time from home job (about 16 hrs/wk) analyzing the content in website reviews. That means a lot of reading 4 nights out of the week, so once that's done I'm not much in the mood to read anything, especially online. Nevermind write anything of my own. The job is going well so far, and I'm getting the hang of what I'm doing pretty well now. We have weekly meetings which have been about 1/3 informative and 2/3 a useless waste of time. The upside is that I get paid for them, but sometimes I wonder if I should just start skipping them in favor of having quick phone calls with my coach. I may start doing that in the near future once I'm fully confident that I know what I'm doing.
2. The past few weeks were full of visits with my sister as her due date approached, and then passed by with still no baby yet. She finally gave birth last weekend to her son Chase Bryant, who was 8 lbs, 14 oz & 22 in. V went to assist with the birth, which didn't go entirely to plan but worked out well in the end. My parents drove down & stayed with us too, so we had company at the house on top of that. Neither of us got much sleep all last weekend, and spent much of this week trying to catch back up on it. So that was a factor too.
3. What little free time I've had lately has mostly been devoted to watching movies since I only have 3 nights a week I can do that now & it's become my favorite way to spend my nights after E goes to bed (especially when V falls asleep with her). Watching movies is usually followed by updating my Listal, though I've also worked on a few new lists during E's naps. If I remember/have time I'll drop back by & link them "soon."
Not much else I can think of to say at the moment. We're going to go over & see the new parents & baby tomorrow, which should be fun though probably cut short since I'll have to work. Oh yeah, and as of this moment the new Mastodon album has become my favorite album of the year (though I still have many I haven't heard yet). I've listened to it at least a dozen times at the link provided above in the past 2 days, & it keeps sounding better to me every time.
All right, sleep beckons.....
Well thank you for updating :) Hope you can work something out with your coach so you stop having to waste time on those pointless meetings. Congratulations again to the family. Chase is adorable!! I hope you guys had a great visit.