Thursday, January 28, 2010

kill your cellphone

Earlier tonight I saw The Fiery Furnaces play a blistering live set. Their musical prowess was undeniable as they played alternate takes on their own songs. They sped some parts up, slowed others down, and in some cases completely altered songs from what fans would recognize when listening to their albums. It was a beautiful, awe-inspiring thing to behold.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the crowd noticed or even seemed to care. All around me, conversations were carried on as if the band on stage was there to provide background noise for them. Text messages were fired off, and I'd bet money that many of them had nothing at all to do with the show. One guy standing near me even answered his cellphone and shouted over the music into it.

This is far from the first time I've noticed this. It's been going on for years now. Now that everyone has a cellphone, they spend more of their time focused on texting, surfing the web, & the occasional conversation over the phone than they focus on anything else. They go to any event, & every time the phone goes off they snatch it from their pockets, eager to find out who's contacting them. We've let cellphones take over our lives. They're the false idol you carry in your pocket, sacrificing your time and energy and attention while the rest of the world flows around you unnoticed. You think you're better connected to the world, but while you're intent on the distraction in your hand you're missing out on the world in front of you.


Movie theatres (and no doubt theatres that put on plays and the like) combat the proliferation of cellphone usage by asking patrons to silence their cellphones. Some places will even enforce their rules against cellphone usage by removing violators, but for the most part they don't, and I'm sure many theatres realize their number one job isn't policing each auditorium. But maybe it should be.

Maybe every place that hosts any kind of event should embrace and enforce rules against the use of cellphones, especially during any kind of performance. Cellphone use during a performance disrespects not only the performers but everyone around you trying to enjoy the performance. So at the very least, you should be preventing yourself from using your cellphone. Stop texting, or surfing the web, or calling your friends & family when you're out & want to enjoy something. If the temptation is too great to resist when it's off or turned to silent & in your pocket, leave it in your car or give it to someone else to hold on to for a while.

Better yet, turn it off & cancel your service. Go back to only talking to your friends & family when you're at home or doing something with them. Get online from your computer instead. Because the effects of cellphone proliferation are spreading. It's killing your attention-span. You can't focus on anything unless it's 140 characters or less. If something takes longer than the length of the average commercial, you tune it out. I bet you've already stopped reading this a dozen times to look at text messages or tweets or another website, and you're barely processing what I've written.

That's not good. It's not OK. And you need to change your ways. So that we don't forget how to interact with each other face-to-face. So that every relationship we have is more than characters on a screen or a disembodied voice. So that when we go out somewhere & spend money to be entertained we can all enjoy the entertainment on hand and truly appreciate it.

Who knows, you might even make new friends based on a shared experience. And what might that lead to? A sense of community? A social network that doesn't need a high-speed internet connection and web servers to maintain it? Could we relearn that it's better to talk during intermissions instead of the performance? That just because people can get your attention wherever you are, that doesn't mean you should let them? Could it also decrease accidents and lead to overall improved wellness?

I think so.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have a cellphone too. And I'm not willing to give mine up completely. But I've been making a conscious effort to turn my phone off when I want to enjoy what's happening right in front of me. I do it not just for myself, but for everyone around me so that they too can enjoy what's happening in front of them. Because I figure if something annoys me then it most likely annoys others too, so I'm not going to keep contributing to the problem.

Join me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

near future

Here's the list of shows I hope to attend. All dates in the DFW and Austin area. My attendance will depend on where I am that day & whether I manage to acquire a ticket. As of this post I have not bought tickets for anything.

1/27--The Fiery Furnaces @ Lounge on Elm Street (Dallas)
1/28--The Fiery Furnaces @ The Parish Room (Austin)
2/3--The Residents @ Granada (Dallas)
2/14--Screaming Females @ Emo's Indoor Stage (Austin)
2/15--Screaming Females @ The Cavern (Dallas)
2/24--Henry Rollins @ Lakewood Theater (Dallas)
2/26--P.O.S. w/Dessa & Astronautalis @ Red 7 (Austin)
2/27--P.O.S. w/Dessa & Astronautalis @ Hailey's (Denton)
3/2--Scout Niblett @ Mohawk (Austin)
3/3--Scout Niblett @ City Tavern (Dallas)
3/13--The Flaming Lips @ NX35 Conferette (Denton)
3/20--Fucked Up @ Red 7 Patio (Austin)
3/27--Alkaline Trio w/Cursive @ Palladium Ballroom (Dallas)
3/28--Alkaline Trio w/Cursive @ Emo's (Austin)
4/30--Cheech & Chong @ Bass Performance Hall (Ft. Worth)

Coachella 2010 is NOT on my list of shows to attend right now. I've gone the past 3 years and loved it, but this year's line-up just doesn't impress me. I managed to find 11 bands I'd definitely watch, and of those I've seen 5 before. The rest of those I figure will either tour or else I'll just have to keep waiting. Sunday's line-up looks the best of the 3 days, but since they're not selling 1-day tickets ahead of time I can't definitively say I'll be there. If they open up 1-day tickets ahead of the show I may be flying out for Sunday, but I'm not going to make plans to fly out to California without a ticket in hand & hope that I can get one that day. Especially when my ability to AFFORD the trip is also in question. I'm not very happy about it, and if my situation was different I'd probably say to hell with it & go for the whole weekend. But as it stands it's just not the best idea.

Still job-hunting in Austin, trying to find something to get me there as soon as possible even if it's not necessarily what I want to be doing there. Until then, I'm stuck here in Dallas for the most part. This also factors in to all of the above, naturally. Once I get a new job who knows what I'll get for time off, or even if I'll get any at all, etc. etc. & of course etc.

And as of yesterday my MySpace has officially been given its death sentence. Should be gone soon if it isn't already.

OK, off to dinner now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

neither shotgun blast nor baby steps

in recent months, i've grown tired of the social networking options available to me. as myspace continues to bleed out, i'm losing sight of why i joined to begin with. at this point i have more music artists as "friends" than i have actual friends on there, & since i don't need to be ON myspace to access the music profiles i've decided it's time to move on. those who still desire to be in contact with me can do so here, and those who don't, well, that's cool. good luck & good-bye to them.

this is my new home, and i'm just beginning to settle in.

thus, i'm also abandoning my twitter account. it was fun for a while, but i feel like most of my posts fall on deaf ears. (hopefully here i won't be wasting anyone's time.) with it, the Song of the Day as it's existed for the past few years also perishes. i will certainly incorporate music into this blog as time goes on, and of course i will talk about it thoroughly, but the SotD has begun to feel like a chore. i won't miss it.

the biggest thing missing from the networking sites, i've found, is the interaction. so i'll state right now that if you're reading my blogs i ENCOURAGE YOU TO RESPOND. give me comments, ask me questions, link me to the things you'd like me to be a part of, and so on. don't just read this and rush off to the next thing, whatever/wherever it may be. those wishing their thoughts to be seen only by me can send them via email. if you need an address for me, just ask.

that's all for now. i need sleep.

stay tuned...